Business English - Leadership

Generation matters – how a multigenerational team can work together

When I first started working, I reported to an elderly, charming Welshman with a beard. Today, I see many people in their late 20s to mid-30s assuming positions of responsibility over their older colleagues. This change probably came about in the late 1990s when promotion because of seniority alone became less common. The global embracing of technology in general favours the young and technologically adept. Older workers who do not adapt may find it hard to get higher positions or the plum projects.

Ming Wong

24.10.2022 · 5 Min Lesezeit

But even the young realise they need the old

Still, founders of tech companies have realised that they need to hire older people with more contacts and experience to deal with banks and government institutions, to impress potential investors and reassure customers that there is more substance than just youthful energy and creativity. When Sheryl Sandberg was hired by Mark Zuckerberg to be COO of facebook (now called Meta Platforms), she was only 38 years old but still 15 years older than Zuckerberg. More importantly, she had already worked for McKinsey & Company, Google and for the government (the United States Department of the Treasury.)

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