Business English - Leadership

Competition for good employees is stiff. Here are 6 tips for keeping quality people

It is always a good idea to think of and thank the employees who have been flexible and adaptable, who have helped to keep things going and the business afloat during the business year. Employee recognition, be it of an individual or a group, is essential for engaging and keeping good people. It can also lead to higher productivity, creativity and customer satisfaction.

Ming Wong

24.10.2022 · 3 Min Lesezeit

The many tools of employee recognition

The best way to recognise and reward an employee is a decent pay corresponding with experience and achievements. But pay is often a confidential matter and sometimes a matter of tenure in many corporations. There are limits to what a boss can do if payment rates are set according to standard criteria. But we can still find ways to lift an employee’s day or to make him or her feel appreciated and acknowledged for a particular achievement.

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